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Who we are

We partner with organisations to provide therapeutic treatment and support to their people.

Our Ethos

Employees are the experts of their lived experience and we are the experts of psychological and evidenced based therapeutics. Together, and within our therapeutic relationship, we work collaboratively with clients to deliver timely psychological treatment and therapeutic support.

Evidence and experience tells us that supporting an individual in distress within a workplace will have positive consequences for the entire team and culture. In turn, the organisation will see improved productivity and reputation, and they’ll be better able to retain and attract talent.

In short, mentally healthy workplaces are better for everybody, and Agile Mental Health exists to help create healthy cultures – cultures people value and want to be part of.

Our Beliefs

We believe people's relationship with themselves and others is shaped by their social context.

We believe human experience exists within paradoxes; that life is complex and shouldn't be oversimplified.

We believe humans are predisposed to healing, and healing happens in relationships – the therapeutic relationship being one.

We know, because evidence tells us, that the therapeutic relationship can create positive change even after a single session.

Our Team

Prof. Melissa Casey (DPsych)
Founder | Director, Doctor of Psychology
Melissa is the Principal Psychologist and Founder of Agile Mental Health.

Melissa had led a number of award winning mental health care innovations that have transformed the delivery of Clinical Mental Health care and she is an excellent example of the benefits of exposure to a diverse set of career experiences.

An organisational psychologist who is clinically trained, Melissa was Director of Psychology at Monash Health for 11 years, Chair of Vic/Tas/ACT Regional Psychology Board for 4 years, Deputy Chair for a further 3 years and teaches in the Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at Monash University.

Melissa has extensive experience in co-design and change in the hospital & health care sector. She is highly skilled in Management, Change Management, Enterprise Process Improvement methodologies and Complexity Science as it applies to organisations and people. Her executive education at Harvard Business School focussed on Value Based Measurement in Healthcare.

Wanting to go deeper in understanding human systems and how to improve their functioning, Melissa pursued doctoral and post-doctoral studies in neuroscience and has applied her deeper understanding of neural networks and neuroplasticity to organisational design and change in healthcare over the last 15 years.

Melissa’s career has ranged from highly analytical work (large-scale change in the Australian Taxation Office) to patient care (in Healthcare). As a result, she brings a unique mindset to identifying innovation and change-management opportunities. Melissa’s capabilities were specifically recognised in the Columbia University Press text, Design Thinking for the Greater Good (Liedtka, J et al., (2017), a seminal work on innovation in the social sector.

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Would you like to know more about our service? We’re only too happy to talk about how we can support your organisation and its people.